Croatia, as a famous tourist destination in the world is primarily a safe country, for domestic and numerous foreign tourists. The Croatian Government has recognized the importance and benefit of investing in additional security of tourists during the tourist season in Croatia and from 2009. co-financing program "Safe Tourist Season", which brings together police officers from foreign countries. Police officers from 13 different countries from which Croatia has the highest number of guests, do their work in Croatia during the tourist season, as additional help to Croatian police for tourists from their country. In this way, Croatia additionally promotes and ensure a sense of security of foreign and domestic tourists during the tourist season.
Croatian Minister of Tourism Mr. Darko Lorencin and Interior Affairs Minister Mr. Ranko Ostojic have signed Agreement on co-financing the project "Safe Tourist Season", which will involve about 50 police officers from 13 different countries, with the largest number of tourists in Croatia. Agreement is signed 16.5.2013 and Minister Ranko Ostojic emphasizes that he is thankful to the Croatian Ministry of Tourism which has recognized the importance of the "Safe Tourist Season". The Ministry of Tourism supports this project for years, and the importance of the project are recognized by many countries that have shown interest for cooperation.