What is the number of yachts/boats for charter in Brazil in 2024?
There are 14 yachts/boats for charter in Brazil in 2024 in our offer.
What is the average charter price of a yacht/boat in Brazil in 2024?
The average charter price of a yacht/boat in Brazil in 2024 is 6,091€ per week based on 14 yachts/boats from our offer. The highest (average!)price is in the week from 2024-12-21 (6,091€), and the lowest is in the week from 2024-12-21 (6,091€). The charter price in the lowest season drops up to 0% compared to the price in the highest season.
Average charter prices of a yacht/boat in Brazil | ||||
Cabins | Highest | Average | Lowest | Lo/Hi |
2 4 Boats | 3,290€ (2024-12-21) | 3,290€ | 3,290€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
3 5 Boats | 4,480€ (2024-12-21) | 4,480€ | 4,480€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
4 4 Boats | 10,430€ (2024-12-21) | 10,430€ | 10,430€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
5-6 1 Boats | 8,000€ (2024-12-21) | 8,000€ | 8,000€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
Boats:14 |
How much does a yacht/boat rental cost per person in Brazil in 2024?
The average price of a yacht/boat rental per person in Brazil in 2024 is 938€ per week. The price per person is calculated on the basis of 14 yachts/boats from our offer, in such a way that the average price of the yacht/boat rental is divided by the maximum number of persons allowed onboard. The highest (average!)price per person is in the week from 2024-12-21 (938€), and the lowest is in the week from 2024-12-21 (938€). The difference in the rental price from the highest season to the lowest is up to 0%.
Average yacht/boat rental prices per person in Brazil | ||||
Cabins | Highest | Average | Lowest | Lo/Hi |
2 4 Boats | 823€ (2024-12-21) | 823€ | 823€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
3 5 Boats | 747€ (2024-12-21) | 747€ | 747€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
4 4 Boats | 1,304€ (2024-12-21) | 1,304€ | 1,304€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
5-6 1 Boats | 889€ (2024-12-21) | 889€ | 889€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
Boats:14 |
Historical trend of charter price of a yacht/boat in Brazil
The archive of average charter prices of a yacht/boat in Brazil is showing historical price trend since 2024.
Archive of average charter prices of a yacht/boat in Brazil | ||||
Year | Highest | Average | Lowest | Lo/Hi |
2024 14 Boats | 6,091€ (2024-12-21) | 6,091€ | 6,091€ (2024-12-21) | ↓0% |
Boats:14 |