What is the number of yachts/boats for charter in Panama in 2025?
There are 5 yachts/boats for charter in Panama in 2025 in our offer.
What is the average charter price of a yacht/boat in Panama in 2025?
The average charter price of a yacht/boat in Panama in 2025 is 9,540€ per week based on 5 yachts/boats from our offer. The highest (average!)price is in the week from 2025-12-20 (10,369€), and the lowest is in the week from 2025-01-04 (8,186€). The charter price in the lowest season drops up to 21% compared to the price in the highest season.
Average charter prices of a yacht/boat in Panama | ||||
Cabins | Highest | Average | Lowest | Lo/Hi |
3 1 Boats | 6,947€ (2025-12-20) | 6,391€ | 5,484€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
4 3 Boats | 8,775€ (2025-12-20) | 8,073€ | 6,928€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
5-6 1 Boats | 18,574€ (2025-12-20) | 17,088€ | 14,664€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
Boats:5 |
How much does a yacht/boat rental cost per person in Panama in 2025?
The average price of a yacht/boat rental per person in Panama in 2025 is 1,154€ per week. The price per person is calculated on the basis of 5 yachts/boats from our offer, in such a way that the average price of the yacht/boat rental is divided by the maximum number of persons allowed onboard. The highest (average!)price per person is in the week from 2025-12-20 (1,254€), and the lowest is in the week from 2025-01-04 (990€). The difference in the rental price from the highest season to the lowest is up to 21%.
Average yacht/boat rental prices per person in Panama | ||||
Cabins | Highest | Average | Lowest | Lo/Hi |
3 1 Boats | 992€ (2025-12-20) | 913€ | 784€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
4 3 Boats | 1,140€ (2025-12-20) | 1,049€ | 900€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
5-6 1 Boats | 1,857€ (2025-12-20) | 1,709€ | 1,466€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
Boats:5 |
What is the average booking rate of a yacht/boat for rent in Panama in 2025?
The average booking rate (or occupancy - percentage ratio between the number of booked and the number of all yachts/boats) for renting a yacht/boat in Panama in 2025 is 26.73% weeks per year (14 weeks) based on 5 yachts/boats from our offer for which our booking lists have been updated within the last 7 days. The highest booking rate is in the week from 2025-03-01 (100%), and the lowest is in the week from 2025-12-20 (0%). Minor inconsistencies in the graphs can occur at the ends of the seasons during boats maintenance, because some boat owners mark those periods as reserved by guests, thus increasing the booking rate.
Average rental booking rate of a yacht/boat in Panama | ||||
Cabins | Highest | Average | Lowest | Weeks |
3 1 Boats | 100% (2025-08-30) | 31.37% | 0% (2025-12-20) | 16 |
4 3 Boats | 100% (2025-04-19) | 28.1% | 0% (2025-12-20) | 14 |
5-6 1 Boats | 100% (2025-06-07) | 11.76% | 0% (2025-12-20) | 6 |
Boats:5 |
Historical trend of charter price of a yacht/boat in Panama
The archive of average charter prices of a yacht/boat in Panama is showing historical price trend since 2024.
Archive of average charter prices of a yacht/boat in Panama | ||||
Year | Highest | Average | Lowest | Lo/Hi |
2024 5 Boats | 9,978€ (2024-12-21) | 9,180€ | 7,877€ (2024-01-06) | ↓21% |
2025 5 Boats | 10,369€ (2025-12-20) | 9,540€ | 8,186€ (2025-01-04) | ↓21% |
Boats:5 |