According to the fact that tourist season in Croatia is on the highest level, which requires increased caution of sailors, swimmers and marine police. Besides of many Croatian charter boats and yachts, there are more than 60,000 foreign vessels on the Adriatic during the summer months. To indicate the importance of compliance with safety rules and traffic at sea, last weekend marine police had action "Safety at Sea", supported by Port of Authority of Rijeka, Sibenik, Split, Ploce and Dubrovnik, as well as their branch offices. Police have reviewed over 322 boats and several beaches with 73 penalty issue and 48 measures of warning.
Attention of police was focused on illegal skimming within 300 meters of the coast, which causing the largest number of penalty, while they warned careless swimmers and divers at the same time. Intensified monitoring is carried out on passenger vessels, as well as control of navigation in narrow channels, pollution control etc.
To assure ourselves and others carefree holidays and safe sailing on the Adriatic coast, you should check the safety of boat and its equipment, as well as yacht documents. Do not forget to take original license to operate the boat with you. Be sure to observe maritime regulations and do not expose yourself and others at risk, because of speeding or negligence. Finally, be particularly careful and avoid any kind of contamination of the beautiful Adriatic Sea, which is the main reason for your arrival on vacation in Croatia.